Ener-G Bread Review

I tried few Gluten Free/ Vegan breads. To be honest none of them is as delicious as regular bread. There are many Gluten Free breads that use eggs, but since I am trying to find vegan one, my search is still on the go.

One of the breads I have tried are from Ener G company.

Light Brown Rice Loaf is pretty good when I toasted it with butter. It tasted ok as a grilled cheese.

When I made sandwiches they break quite easily. I can’t say it doesn’t have a taste but definitely it doesn’t remind a bread at all.

I miss bread. 🙁






Another bread by the same company is High Fiber Loaf.

It actually tastes delicious even straight from the package. It is great also when you toast it. Sandwiches work with it, since it doesn’t break that much. It has very dark, brown color. It is Gluten free, Wheat Free, Dairy Free.




* Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the review is my own and honest viewpoint. I was not required to write a positive statement.