Gluten Free Baking Disaster

Can I just have some delicious, tasty, fabulously looking Gluten Free/ Vegan cake? Can just some darn Gluten Free/ Vegan recipe work finally?
I am dreaming about lemon cake. Gluten free/Vegan Lemon Cake. Got excited. Got baking. And got…. disaster. The cake doesn’t look like lemon cake. It dropped the volume after I took it out from the oven.…

Should I Blame Celiac For It?

When I am moody, should I blame celiac for it?
When I am loosing my temper, should I blame celiac for it?
When I am not being patient, should I blame celiac for it?
When I am not able to focus, should I blame celiac for it?
When I am having brain fog, should I blame celiac for it?…

So Many Diets so Little Time


At least few times a year a new diet is born. And what follow is a new group of followers and a new group of opponents. There was Atkins Diet and Weight Watchers Diet and South Beach Diet and carbo diet and hundreds other diets. Now popular is Paleo diet.
But you know what?…