May is Celiac Awareness Month



Celiac Awareness Month is an event held throughout the United States each May and is supported by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (and other relevant organizations). This event raises awareness about celiac disease, and highlights the work of the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) which provides support for those affected.…

Celiac Disease Symptoms

What are celiac disease symptoms? Wouldn’t it be so simply to just have a list of few symptoms that are associated with this disease? Oh for sure it would. But it is not so easy. Not at all. The symptoms are so diverse for each person that it is hard to diagnose one with celiac.…

Celiac as a disability?

I came across article about celiac/gluten intolerance as a disability. (Here is link to the blog post:
And I wonder myself if it should be classified as such.
Celiac has enormous impact on peoples lives. Not only personal but also profesional. It affects the ability to work, because often people with this disease feel tired/weak all the time.…