Green Smoothies

Few days ago I read book “Green for Life” by Victoria Boutenko. I decided that I should try green smoothies in my diet. (I didn’t have my celiac tests results yet). Today is 3rd day when I am making and drinking those delicious smoothies. People on raw food diet include those smoothies (or at least should include) to get as much nutrition from green vegetables and fruits as possible.…

Positive tests…

The news I got today sucks. But it is official . (I will remember the day- July 26th 2012). My tests for celiac disease are positive. I have to stay on gluten free diet in order to feel better. From one side it makes me good to know the reason of my health problems, but from other – it makes me sad I have to say good bye to all delicious bread,cookies,pasta and all many of my soy based products.…