Tofutti Vegan Frozen Dessert


Since my gluten free journey started not so long ago, I will post here my ratings for gluten free,vegan products that I purchased and tried. Of course it will be just my personal opinion,but maybe it will help you if you start gluten free diet and wonder what is out there for you.

As a vegan person I started to eat Tofutti Cuties ice-cream. They are dairy free, lactose free, milk free. Unfortunately they have wheat. Goodbye my ice-cream.

But today I tried something new. I picked up Tofutti again-Premium TOFUTTI® nondairy frozen dessert. I read the label and it didn’t mention wheat or gluten. I gave it a try. OMG. This ice-cream like desert is really good. Maybe little too sweet like for my taste,but still…. It is heaven… 🙂 I picked up Vanilla flavor but there are more to choose from. Just read the label,since some of the products contain wheat.

My Rating: [rating=4,5] .

* Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the review is my own and honest viewpoint. I was not required to write a positive statement.