Vegan, Gluten Free Latkes

I have posted the recipe for Latkes few years ago, but now a little bit different version. Let’s call it version two.

Vegan, Gluten Free Latkes


  • 4 big potatoes/ peeled and shredded
  • 1/2  small onion -chopped
  • 1-2 shredded carrots
  • egg replacer (1 equivalent of 1 egg. I use Follow Your Heart Egg Replacer)
  • 2/3 cup of flour (I mixed different flours into cup: garbanzo bean flour, white rice flour and 2 spoons of flaxseed meal, 2-3 spoons of potato starch)
  • 1-2 spoons of Gluten Free Plain Breadcrumbs by The Greater Knead
  • salt, paper, turmeric, plus any seasonings that you feel fit and are to your taste.