Peter Who? Chocolates Review

There is a new kid on the block! Vegan, Gluten-Free chocolates by Peter Who? It is a premium chocolate brand from Switzerland.

Before I tell you how delicious the chocolates are, I must mention the packaging. It is so beautiful and sophisticated. It is simple yet elegant. The design is perfect, and I love the colors they chose.…

Chomp! Chocolate Review

It has been a while since I tried a new brand of vegan chocolates. When Chomp! Chocolate sent me their samples, I got excited.

Just look at their fun, colorful packaging. Adorable. (Check my unboxing video, where I couldn’t resist but animate the character- Chompie. )

Chomp! Chocolate offers:

Original Vegan Cashew Milk Chocolate Bars

Popstar Bars: Creamy tiger nut chocolate with rice puff crunchies

Nutpucks: peanut butter cups.

Vegan Cotton Candy Review

I have a really sweet tooth. And I love vegan treats. So I got  really excited when I came across Get Fluffed Up and their assortment of cotton candy!

I never had vegan cotton candy before, but this is the best cotton candy I have ever had. Vegan, or not. Such an awesome, delicious fluff!…