NYC Veggie Food Festival 2018.

The 8th Annual  NYC Vegetarian Food Festival may be over, but I still remember delicious food that I tried during the event. As matter of fact, I am snacking right now (while I write this post) on PopZup popcorn, I got during the show.

Those who know me, and follow my blog, know that  I love NYC Vegetarian Food Festival, because I love the opportunity to not only try new vegan products, but also to chat with the creators, and ambassadors of the vegan brands.…

Veggie Hotels- Book Review

Being vegan, while traveling, wasn’t always easy. But fortunately for all vegans, it changes. Now there are more resources and more vegan restaurants and hotels popping out around the world every day. I personally still like to research, before I travel. I like to know in advance what my options will be.…

The Love And Lemons Cookbook Review

The Love And Lemons by Jeanine Donofrio was another cookbook I won from Avery Giveaway.


This book is amazing!

What a unique concept! I love that author put recipes by the veggies she is using. It is not organized by breakfast, lunch, dinner- like all the other books, but by apples, artichokes, berries, cucumber, etc.…