Lulu’s Chocolates Product Review

Oh my dear friends!
Are you ready for some love and magic?
Because I would like to introduce you to this amazing artisan chocolates from Lulu’s Chocolate Love.


Not long ago I have reviewed some of their products, but today I would like to bring to your attention some more of their chocolate varieties.…

Threads For Thought -Sustainable Wardrobe Review

Threads For Thought is a fashion company, that promotes eco-friendly, sustainable clothing and accessories collection. It supports sustainable initiatives, like the International Rescue Committee’s New Roots program. Threads For Thought mission is to  bring change to fashion industry. They want their products to help to improve our planet and move the fashion industry towards a healthier future for us all.…

“The Superfun Times Vegan Holiday Cookbook”- Review


This gorgeous, big, fun, amazing Cookbook arrived  the other day on my door steps and I am still gushing over it.  This is like a vegan bible.


“The Superfun Times Vegan Holiday Cookbook” by Isa Chandra Moskowitz is absolutely must have on your shelf!  Beautifully designed, with gorgeous photos, this cookbook will help to celebrate any occasion with vegan recipes year around!…