Visiting Bob’s Red Mill

Last month I was traveling around America and it happened that one of my stops was famous Bob’s Red Mill Headquarters at Milwaukie, Oregon. I met with very friendly personnel and very friendly staff. I was hoping for an interview with Bob himself, unfortunately his schedule was too busy that day. I never made an appointment because I didn’t even know I will end up in this place. But personnel was so kind to me that they gave me (and Aladino,who was kind enough to film the whole experience) a private tour in Bob’s Red Mill. Ms. Christie Coykendall who is a Mill Tour Coordinator, did a wonderful job, walking us through the mill. Of course my main interest was to see a production and talk about gluten free products that Bob’s Red Mill offers.

Vegan GF Heaven at Bob's Red Mill

First we walked through the offices, where you see employers answering your phone calls. Bob doesn’t like answering machines that’s why when you call them Bob wants a real person who will answer your question or take your order. We visited a recipe test kitchen where Sara was working on a new grain recipe. After we went to see area that looked like a room taken out from a museum with old machineries, stone mill equipment. Christie was really a great story teller. She told the story of Bob’s career, the history of Red Mill itself and Bob’s obsession for healthy eating and living.

Vegan GF Heaven at Bob's Red Mill 2

Next was time to see packaging line. Of course we weren’t able to enter the rooms, but we could see what is going on inside through the glass windows. Bob’s Red Mill has two separate production areas.  One is conventional side and one gluten free side. They use separate equipment, separate mill, separate employees and even separate air filtration system. Gluten free production in Bob’s Red Mill is up to 50% of their entire sales.

Vegan GF Heaven at Bob's Red Mill 3

After more talk and getting free samples from the Mill it was time to leave Headquarters and to visit Bob’s red Mill Whole Grain Store. Unfortunately it was too late for a lunch, but I got a potato salad with vegan mayo and vegan, dairy free, egg free, gluten free berry coffee cake for dessert.

Vegan GF Heaven at Bob's Red Mill 4

About the company- Bob’s Red Mill has the widest variety of product lines in the country. They use beans, seeds, grains, nuts to create almost 400 different products. They get their grains as close to home as possible. From Oregon to   Idaho, Utah, Montana. Oats come from Canada and Quinoa from Peru. To make sure that oats are not  cross contaminated they signed up a contract with farmers in Canada where they grow nothing but gluten free crops.  Than they test oats in their facility for gluten, cross contamination.

Vegan GF heaven at Bob's Red Mill 5

Not all the products are organic, but they don’t use any GMO ingredients. Bob’s Red Mill joined recently NO-GMO project. Bob’s Red MIll tests their products before they grind it, after they grind it and after they make a baking mix out of it.

I know there were news about Bob’s products being contaminated with gluten. Some people stopped buying Bob’s products because they were feeling bad after consuming Bob’s Gluten Free Products. I personally love this company and I love their variety of products. I love how Bob treats his employees. I liked the tour and their factory. I can see that they really do everything to keep their products safe for those with allergies.  I think they really care. I hope that their gluten free items will always be gluten free and safe for all celiac people out there and those with wheat/gluten allergies.

Interesting fact: Do you know why white flour was invented? Answer: For a longer shelf life.


To Your Good Health,

Adalinka 😉


One Reply to “Visiting Bob’s Red Mill”

  1. I’m so glad you enjoyed your visit to our Mill. Our tours are designed to show and tell the high quality of our products which are actually made here, and to convey the integrity of our company. We offer free public tours Monday – Friday at 10am. Next time you are in Portland plan to vist the Mill and enjoy lunch at our own Whole Grain Store Cafe.

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