The Cultured Cook – Book Review

“The Cultured Cook. Delicious Fermented Foods with Probiotics to Knock Out Inflammation, Boost Gut Health, Lose Weight & Extend Your Life” by Michelle Schoffro Cook , PhD, DNM.


I am not sure how much you know about fermented foods. I don’t know how often you eat them or if you make your own fermented foods.…

Love Rhymes with Everything – Book Review

Love Rhymes with Everything. Animal ruminations through poetry & paintings. Poems by Kat von Cupcake, Art by Dana Feagin.

This is such a delightful book. It is a collaboration between writer, painter and vegan publisher. They are amazing team. And their final product, this book, is beyond wonderful.


On the pages of “Love Rhymes with Everything” reader meets many animals, from dogs and cats, to cows, ducks and horses.…