I was looking at my IgA blood test again today and I started thinking that maybe my test is interpret wrong. I mean doctor knows better than me.(Theoretically). But I was hoping that maybe it is wrong. Maybe I don’t have celiac disease after all. So I found the web site online (http://glutendoctors.blogspot.com/2009/01/interpreting-lab-work-gluten-sensitive.html)…
It Sucks to Eat Gluten Free Food
Who am I kidding? When I was diagnosed with celiac and went shopping I got new, gluten free pasta, cookies, bread, pancake mix. I ate this food and I was telling myself it is not bad. Not everything of course,some food I put straight away on the “Never buy it again list”, but I was trying so hard to find something that I will be bale to eat and I will like,and what is gluten free and vegan, that I liked Enjoy cookies,and some rice pasta and even Ener-G bread.…
User Manual for Celiac
How to use,take care and store a Celiac.
This is user manual that should help you get the best of your celiac friend, a family member or spouse. It will teach you how to develop mutual understanding and make yours and celiac’s life better.
Hmmm.. where do we start?
1. Educate yourself about celiac disease.…