Quick Breakfast Ideas

What is your quick, go-to breakfast?
I love overnight oats or warm oats, sometimes cereal, or just green smoothie.
Only when I have more timer during weekends, I would make scrambled tofu and vegan areas or pancakes. Let’s face it. Preparing food takes time.

So I am getting creative when I don’t have much time.…

The Art of the Smoothie Bowl- Book Review

“The Art of the Smoothie Bowl: 
Beautiful Fruit Blends for Satisfying Meals and Healthy Snacks”
Nicole Gaffney

I was super excited when I received a copy of this book from the publisher Page Street Publishing Co. For the beautiful, mouth-watering photography alone, this book is a great addition to your cookbook shelf.…

Green Up Box

One of my New Year resolutions was to try to be more green. With the Green Up Subscription box it can be accomplished much easier.

Green Up Box

Green Up Box is A Monthly Box with the Mission to reduce use of plastic. It is curated with eco-friendly, reusable, plastic free finds, that help to empower and inspire in one area of life each month.…