Vegan Reset- Book Review

Vegan Reset is out today! Happy Pub Day!

And now run to the store to get this beauty! Run! Run!

OK. Maybe read the review first. But than run!


“Vegan Reset: The 28-Day Plan to Kickstart Your Healthy Lifestyle” by Kim-Julie Hansen is absolutely amazing book!

It is not only recipe book, but meal-plan and  compendium about vegan, eco-friendly, holistic life style as well.…

Bosh! Book Review.

Are you familiar with BOSH! plant-based channel on the internet?

The creators  Henry Firth and Ian Theasby are also behind the BOSH! Cookbook: “BOSH! Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants.”

And I think this is my new favorite Vegan Cook Book. So many amazing recipes. And they are easy and don’t call for crazy ingredients!…

PopZup Product Review

Who doesn’t like popcorn? Either salty, or sweet, or spicy, you can make it the way you desire. But of course not all popcorn is equal.

In the times, when it is important for out health, to pick products that are natural, and GMO-Free, PopZup brand brings a new way to make a delicious popcorn.…