Bosh! Book Review.

Are you familiar with BOSH! plant-based channel on the internet?

The creators  Henry Firth and Ian Theasby are also behind the BOSH! Cookbook: “BOSH! Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants.”

And I think this is my new favorite Vegan Cook Book. So many amazing recipes. And they are easy and don’t call for crazy ingredients!

This cook book is vegan, but it is easy to turn almost all the recipes into gluten free version. The recipe calls for soy sauce? Use gluten free soy sauce alternative, like  Liquid Aminos instead. The ingredient is wheat pasta? No problem. Just use gluten free version.

Probably the most challenging would be desert section. The desert recipes often call for all-purpose flour, and just switching to gluten free flour may not always be enough.
But since I knew this is Vegan cook book, and not strictly Vegan and Gluten Free, I am not going to complain.
It is really possible to make most of the recipes from the book vegan and gluten free.

I love how many different recipes you can find in the book. Instead of buying take out, you can create your favorite Asian Pad Thai, or Italian Spaghetti, or Mexican Tacos. And the best part is those recipes are quick, easy and they really work! And they are made only from plants!

                                                                        (Spaghetti Bolognese)

Besides main dishes, or side dishes, there are also recipes for breakfast, desserts and cocktails. And the book is filed with many beautiful photographs of food. Just looking at the images you will get hungry.

(Photos from “BOSH! Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants” by Henry Firth and Ian Theasby; Photography by Lizzie Mayson; Food styling: Pip Spence; Prop styling: Sarah Birks).

By the way I am planning to make Thai Red Curry next. Just looking at the photo makes my stomach grumble. And the recipe from this book seems to have just the right ingredient for a perfect curry.

There are also tips for cooking and making your experience in the kitchen more organized and fun.

You can also look up the recipes online and watch the video, if you are not sure how to prepare a meal. (But I am positive, this will not be necessary, since the recipes are really easy to follow).

I am always excited to see new Vegan cookbooks. And I love that authors are showing that eating plant based meals is fun and colorful, easy and satisfying.

It is great that  Bosh! creators added this cook book to already vast array of Vegan amazing publications.

“So, whether you’re thinking about reducing the amount of meat you eat, or you don’t eat animal products at all, this book is for you”.

– Henry Firth and Ian Theasby


General rating: ★★★★★

Thank you for a copy of this book.

 * Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the review is my own and honest viewpoint. I was not required to write a positive statement.









