If you are new to Veganism, there are many resources that can help you out. The same if it comes to gluten. It gets more complicated when you are vegan who has to stay away from gluten. This is why I have decided to start this blog. On my site you can find resources page and check web sites and books that I like and recommend.…
How to help the biggest number of animals that suffer?
The group of scientists from USA did a research compering different ways of helping animals, to see which ways are the most effective and efficient in helping the biggest number of animals.
Animal Charity Evaluator is a 501(c)(3) non-profit located in the United States. Their mission is to find and promote the most effective ways to help animals.…
Why Vegan, Why Gluten Free
Why Vegan?
You don’t need to kill in order to full fill your appetite. You don’t need to eat animals in order to live. In fact animal products cause a lot of illness out there. Being vegan is much healthier for you and your body. Vegans have much more energy.
But veganism it is not only about what you eat.…