Lulu’s Chocolate

I got some LOVE today… In my mailbox. 😉 Lulu’s Chocolate made with love. 😉 The package of Lulu’s chocolate has edgy look that for sure grabs your attention. The inner wrapper of package is compostable natureflex. The outside package is made of recycled material.

Adamowska, Vegan, gluten free, heaven, recipes, vegan reviews,

Lulu’s chocolates are vegan, gluten free, organic.  The caco used in chocolates is from small farms sourced through Pacari, Ecuador. Each piece contains from 62% to 78% of cacao. Chocolates are handmade with love. And they are actually quite healthy for your body too! The ingredients like raw cacao, maca or almond butter are source of good nutritions. So don’t feel guilty while eating Lulu’s chocolate. Those chocolates are full of love and guilt free.

Chocolate pieces are really cute. Some shaped like heart and they have Lulu’s logo on each piece of this delicatesy. And there is so much variety to choose from. Raw Love with vanilla bean, Aztec Crunch with raw cacao nibs, Coffee Crunch with organic stumptown coffee, Smoked Sea Salt Almond and more. They also make truffles and maca buttercups.

When you open Lulu’s chocolate be prepared to experience a magic. After first bite you know you need another one. Each flavor is unique and irresistible. Maca buttercups are creamy and rich. They are mixture of different flavors that awake your senses. Love truffles will seduce you quickly. Believe me, you will be screaming for more!

Lulu’s Chocolates are perfect for all chocolate lovers. They will make a great gift and wonderful, healthy treat. Don’t wait than. Grab your Lulu’s Chocolate today!

Ps. My favorite is Chocolate Maca Chunk and Maca buttercups. 😉

Lulu’s Chocolate provide by

General Rating: ★★★★★

 * Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the review is my own and honest viewpoint. I was not required to write a positive statement.Â