The Cultured Cook – Book Review

“The Cultured Cook. Delicious Fermented Foods with Probiotics to Knock Out Inflammation, Boost Gut Health, Lose Weight & Extend Your Life” by Michelle Schoffro Cook , PhD, DNM.


I am not sure how much you know about fermented foods. I don’t know how often you eat them or if you make your own fermented foods.

I personally like fermented foods, and I am a big fan of sauerkraut. I also love Kombucha tea, and I love vegan yogurts. But there is more to fermented food, than just tasty meal. While reading “The Cultured Cook”, I have actually learnt knew benefits of fermented foods, but also Do’s and Don’ts of fermenting and new variety of recipes.

I had no idea that cheesecake can actually be probiotic-rich. I didn’t realize that there even can be fermented cheesecake or cultured ice-cream! It seems like cultured food is just a world of wonder.

I always thought that fermenting food is a long and difficult process, that requires fancy tools. I couldn’t be more mistaken.

Author Michelle Schoffro Cook , PhD, DNM, brings to attention fact, that fermented foods can help keep our gut healthy, and therefore keep our body healthy. Fermented foods can help with inflammation, prevent diseases, help protect brain. They are also great in weight loss and can help with some seasonal allergies.

“Fermented foods have been found to boost most aspects of our health, from immunity and resistance against superbugs, to fighting arthritis and cancer. Great health begins in the gut  and eating more fermented foods is the key to great gut health, and therefore overall health.” – Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, DNM.



“Chronic gastrointestinal disorders are increasingly being linked to anxiety and depression. Researchers find that beneficial microbes found in fermented foods can reduce the excitability of nerves in the gut that connect through the vagus nerve to the central nervous system, and in doing so, eliminate anxiety. Additionally, probiotics found in fermented foods can reduce the amount of inflammation in the gut which has been cited as a cause of approximately 100 health conditions, including anxiety (along with arthritis, cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and many other serious health conditions).” – Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, DNM.

The book contains few chapters that talk about individual fermented food categories and each chapter than includes recipes.

There is chapter about Dairy-Free Yogurts, about Vegan Cheeses, Sauerkraut, Pickles and Cultured Vegetables. There is chapter about Fruit Cultures and Homemade Vinegars, Cultured Beverages, like Vegan Kefir, Kombucha and last chapter contains more recipes for using cultured creations.


Among recipes for different yogurts and cheeses and drinks, there are also ice cream, cheesecakes, icing and dip.

All recipes included in the book are plant based, gluten free and dairy free.

Fermented food is healthy and contains probiotics, that are beneficial in our diet. The recipes in the book can help make every day meal more healthy. And even we can prepare the dishes for holidays. (Why to stuff ourselves with unhealthy options, when we can have a healthy, tasty alternative. Think vegan cheesecake or ice-cream with probiotics!).

I like how author explains each process of creating fermented food. I also like that she uses as simple ingredients as possible, but also is looking for as healthy final result as possible. The recipes seem to be quite easy, and don’t call for any fancy, expensive equipment.


I haven’t try any recipes yet. It has more to do with my attitude to just find the right ingredient and just do it. Also the fact that most foods need time for the fermentation, kept me away from just trying to make some dishes.

I am planning to make some meal soon though.

The Cultured Cook is great compendium on the subject, with many excellent tips. It is informative and helpful. It is definitely “go to” book, if you want to learn how to ferment your own food.

Grab your copy!


General rating: ★★★★★

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* Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the review is my own and honest viewpoint. I was not required to write a positive statement.