I have received a book called “The Way Back. Almanac 2023. A Contemporary Seasonal Guide Back to Nature” by Melinda Salisbury, and I love it.

First of all, the cover is gorgeous. I like the color palette and the overall feel of it. The idea of this Almanac is interesting.
This book is meant to help to reconnect with nature and be more conscious of our daily choices.
The author divided the book into chapters that represent each month. Each chapter tells the reader about the plants, herbs, veggies, and fruits that are in the season. It contains a vegan recipe for each month. The reader also learns about stars and the moon. The author shares ideas for crafts or how to make your beauty supply. There is a book recommendation for each month. There is also space to make notes or maybe write down your recipe. The book is filled with adorable illustrations. ( I wish they were in color).

This book is such a great idea! I adore it. It inspires, teaches and guides. It encourages the reader to stop and smell a flower or listen to the birds singing, to feel the sun on your face or wind in your hair. It is something to consider.
Thank you Watkins Media for a review copy.
General rating: ★★★★★