Raw Food Art -Book Review

Have you ever seen a book that looked so pretty and beautiful, you simply had to have it just because of those reasons? Well… “Raw Food Art” by Aleksandra Winters is one of those books. But this is not all. It is not only beautiful but also has many, many colorful, delicious, healthy recipes. They are all raw, plant based recipes, but believe me, everyone can enjoy them.


The recipes are categorized by seasons. So there are spring smoothies, rolls, crackers, summer truffles, ice-cream, autumn juices, salads, winter wraps and cookies. So many delicious and beautiful dishes.

Each recipe is accompanied by a beautiful,colorful photo. For most of the recipes you just need juicer, blender, food processor or dehydrator.

If it comes to ingredients,of course fruits and veggies are the main ingredients, but also nuts, superfoods (e.x. maca, lucuma), spices (e.x. tumeric, vanilla, curry powder etc.), oils and raw chocolate.


Some recipes are very quick to make (and it means you will enjoy them soon after they are finished), some need more time (especially the one that call for use of dehydrator).

I tried some recipes and they are really delicious. They are so colorful and you really will enjoy to make them and eat them.

I made f.ex. Mango Stew and than I used the same sauce recipe and put it on gluten free pasta. It tastes really amazing. It is rich and fulfilling.


If you are looking for inspiration or simply you want to eat healthy, you should check this book and start cooking with Aleksandra. You can get your copy by clicking here.


General rating: ★★★★★

Book provided by: Aleksanda Winters.

* Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the review is my own and honest viewpoint. I was not required to write a positive statement.