What is your quick, go-to breakfast?
I love overnight oats or warm oats, sometimes cereal, or just green smoothie.
Only when I have more timer during weekends, I would make scrambled tofu and vegan areas or pancakes. Let’s face it. Preparing food takes time.

So I am getting creative when I don’t have much time. Making overnight oatmeal speeds the process. The night before, I will just put oatmeal into the jar, add some milk, stir and put in the fridge. In the morning, I will add fresh fruits, hemp seeds, and I got a quick, fulfilling breakfast.

I also like my oatmeal warm, especially during winter. So I will cook oatmeal in the morning. Sometimes I use the quick oatmeal (vegan and gluten-free version). And also add fruits to it. And again. Excellent quick breakfast is ready.

To speed it up, even more, you can prepare fruits the night before. Just wash and cut it and store it in the fridge.
I love to make green smoothies as well. You throw things into the blender, and the blender does the job for you. I usually make my green smoothies with filtered water. You can use coconut water or plant-based milk if you desire. For greens, I love spinach, but I try to rotate it, so after a few days, I would use arugula or kale. I like to add ripped banana. (TIP- I freeze a banana in the freezer and have them always on hand when I need it). I also would add apple, celery, avocado and strawberries or blueberries if I have them. I find pineapple also works well.

Even if my breakfast is simple cereal, I always try to add fruits. Or at least banana. It will keep me full longer and adds more nutrition.
What are your quick breakfast ideas?
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